10월10일 뉴욕타임즈 영어공부

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지난주 금요일부터 4일동안 미국은 연휴로 학교를 쉬고 있습니다. 월요일인 오늘은 미국의 휴일인 Columbus Day 입니다. 4일을 연휴로 쉬기도 하지만 미국의 원주민들에게 Columbus Day는 아픈 역사의 기억이 있기때문에 이날을 Columbus Day로 불러야 하는지 아니면 다른 이름으로 바꾸자는 의견도 많이 나오고 있습니다. 아래의 짧은 Article을 읽고 각자의 의견을 영어로 Comment 해보겠습니다 ^^
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A Short Fall Break, but What Should We Call It?


CreditMichael Appleton for The New York Times

Article을 읽으면서 꼭 알아야 할 단어를 아래에 설명해 두었습니다! 친절한 관리자~




토착부족, Originating, Native




대량살상, 집단학살




노예화, 노예 상태

Many schools in the United States are off for Columbus Day, so we’re taking a short break ourselves — but, as The Times reports, we may not be calling this early fall holiday “Columbus Day” for much longer:

Columbus Day has been a federal holiday since 1934. Recently, cities like Seattle and Minneapolis have swapped out Columbus for events in honor of native peoples, following places like Berkeley, Calif., which since the early 1990s has celebrated Indigenous Peoples Day instead.

Last year, Brown University changed the name of the holiday:

At Brown, faculty members were moved to act after a student organization, the Native Americans at Brown, called for the change after 2015’s Fall Weekend. The new name “would recognize the contributions of Indigenous People/Native Americans to our community and our culture and foster a more inclusive community,” according to a motion presented to the faculty.

The movement to rename the holiday is based on the contention that Columbus was no hero, but instead a deliverer of genocide to Native Americans. His legacy is the subject of endless debate.

위의 Article을 읽은후 아래의 질문에대한 의견을 페이지 하단에 Comment 해주세요~

  • 1

    How does your school handle the topic of Columbus?

    What do you think of the argument for changing the name and focus of the holiday? Does calling it “Columbus Day” overlook a painful history of colonialism, enslavement, discrimination and land grabs, and renaming it help to account for the history and contributions of Native Americans?

    Or does renaming it dishonor the history, culture and contributions of Italians, a group that has also endured discrimination?

7 replies
  1. seongjookim
    seongjookim says:

    저는 바꿔야 된다고 생각합니다 왜냐하면 콜롬버스가 개인적으로 싫고 제 스타일도 아니고 콜롬버스가 원주민을 괴롭혔기 때문입니다

  2. Woojae Kim
    Woojae Kim says:

    I don’t know how does my school handle the topic of Columbus…

    Many people just enjoy the break on Columbus Day. So that people could think “Columbus is awesome!! Because of him, we don’t go to school or work on that day.” without commemoration. And when we think Columbus Day, we automatically think Columbus first, not a Native American. The main reason why is we call “Columbus Day.” We should commemorate Native American, not a Columbus who was slaughterer. Therefore, we should rename the Columbus Day and that thing would change our next generation’s mind and thought.
    If something happened wrong, then we have to fix it.

  3. Taeksu kim
    Taeksu kim says:

    -My school was handled Columbus was aggressor.
    -I think I want a change because Native Americans are genocide and enslavement.

  4. KyeongminIm
    KyeongminIm says:

    I don’t no school handle the topic of Columbus
    and I tink changing the Columbusday name.
    because it is diprive the land

  5. Ashley Kim
    Ashley Kim says:

    My school handle the topic of Columbus day as a ‘no school’day. On Columbus day, we have a break; We stay at home or go out and hang out with friends. In my school, we just think Columbus day as a one day-off day.

  6. Boyoon han
    Boyoon han says:

    I don’t know my school handle the topic of columbus. but I think columbus colonized the Americans, so he made fault.

    I think have to change the name because this day is the American native’s sad history.

    I think ” Columbus Day” overlook a painful history of colonialism, enslavement, discrimination and land grabs, and renaming it help to account for the history and contributions of Native Americans. because the columbus day is sad and painful for American natives. columbus colonized the Americans. and plunder their food and money, so Columbus was main instigator of the slave trade.

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