2016 미국슈퍼볼 영어공부 자료

지난 Sunday는 슈퍼볼선데이로 유명한 미식축구 결승전이 열린 날 이였습니다.

단일 결승게임으로 미국에서 가장 많은 시청자를 보유하는 단연 최고 인기 게임 입니다.

미식축구의 장점이 될 수 있는 Leadership, 그리고 과격한 경기인만큼 단점도 있는데

뉴욕 writer들의 글과 동영상을 통하여 알아 보도록 하겠습니다 ^^

The winner of Super Bowl 50 will hoist the Vince Lombardi Trophy. Related ArticleCredit Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images

Learn About Leadership: Use sports to help students think about leadership with our Super Bowl lesson plan from 2001, in which students answered questions like “Why do you think the success of a sports team has such an impact on the city it represents?” and “What is ‘morale’ and what do you think leaders can do to ‘boost’ it?

You can update it with this post, E.L.L. Practice | The Lessons Football Can Teach , about Seattle Seahawks Coach Pete Carroll, who runs a team “in which cursing is frowned upon, a former competitive surfer turned ‘human optimization specialist’ enlightens players in the ‘arc of the journey’ rather than the arc of the pass, and — after one of the most spectacular losses in Super Bowl history — despair is defeated by New Age-style platitudes urging players to be mindful and seek ‘high-quality moments.’ ”

What kind of coaching do you respond to best? Why? What lessons can sports teach us about life in general?

위의 문장에서 알수 있듯이 Teamwork 을 중요시 하는 경기에는 leadership이 무척 중요하며 Coach 역시 leader의 한 사람으로써 큰 역할을 담당 합니다. 가장 아래의 질문처럼 여러분은 어떠한 코칭방식에 가장 잘 따를수 있나요? 그렇다면 그러한 코칭 방식과 여러분이 좋아 하는 스포츠를 학업과 일상 생활에 어떠한 방식으로 적용할 수 있을까요?

다음은 Football에 따른 negative한 issue 제기 입니다.

Steve Almond poses this question in a 2014 piece for the Magazine. As he explains:

Recently…medical research has confirmed that football can cause catastrophic brain injury — not as a rare and unintended consequence, but as a routine byproduct of how the game is played. That puts us fans in a morally queasy position. We not only tolerate this brutality. We sponsor it, just by watching at home. We’re the reason the N.F.L. will earn $5 billion in television revenue alone next year, three times as much as its runner-up, Major League Baseball.

Or, consider the issues raised in a Nov., 2015 piece, Big Problems, but Little Impact on NFL Bottom Line:

Problems have been stacking up this season on the NFL’s horizon like planes in a holding pattern: investigations, arbitrations, suspensions, lawsuits and plea deals that shamed both an owner and a high-profile star.

It’s been a turbulent season so far by almost any measure — save for the most important one: Business has rarely been better.

Despite smoldering anger over Commissioner Roger Goodell’s bungling of the Ray Rice domestic-violence case, as well as the way some teams responded when their players ran afoul of the law, no one has bailed on the NFL. The sponsors who raised very public concerns two months ago have slipped quietly back into the fold. The politicians and women-rights advocates who expressed outrage have largely fallen silent. And the fans?

The numbers speak for themselves.

What do you think? Has our “worship of the game has blinded us to its pathologies”? What responsibilities do we have as viewers? Has your own interest in professional football changed as a result of any of these issues?

아래의 영상을 시청하시고 여러분의 생각을 정리해 보세요 ^^

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