E.L.L. Practice + Prompt | Daylight Saving Time


We invite any English language learner student 13 years or older to post comments in response to the writing prompts in this post.

In honor of Daylight Saving Time, which begins on the second Sunday of March, we offer this practice idea.

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First, read this passage from the Times Topics overview of Daylight Savings Times. Then answer the questions that follow.

Read this passage from The New York Times “topic” page on Daylight Saving Time and answer the questions:

Daylight saving time moves an hour of daylight from the mornings to the evenings, by shifting the clock forward by an hour from the traditional schedule during the spring, summer and early fall.

During daylight saving time, the sun reaches its peak at 1 pm instead of 12 pm, and the crack of dawn comes a little later. The idea is to have people up and about during the longer daylight hours, to save energy and increase productivity.

In 2005, Congress expanded daylight saving time, by shifting its start to the second Sunday in March and its end to the first Sunday in November.

An idiom is a phrase (a group of words) that means something different than what the words’ individual meanings suggestl. For example, when you say something is a “piece of cake,” it means that it is very easy to do. It does not mean that it is an actual piece of cake to eat.

  • 1. In this passage, "crack of dawn" is an idiom. What does it mean?

    1.middle of the night

    2.late at night

    3.very early in the morning

  • 2. What does the phrase "increase productivity," which is not an idiom, mean?

    1.People get more done.
    2.People work more slowly.
    3.People get paid more money.

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Second, answer the following writing prompt and question and, if you are 13 or older, post your answers to our blog.

1. Pick one of the two correct answers and explain a clue in the passage that helps you know it is correct. You can use this sentence frame:

I know ________ means _________ because _________.

2. What is daylight saving time and what is its purpose? You can use these sentence frames:

Daylight saving time means _________. Its purpose is to ________.

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